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What hours are you open?

Days of Discovery is open from 6:30 am to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

Are you open on weekends?

No, we are open Monday through Friday, 

What is the policy in case of a late pickup?

Although we understand that sometimes parents may not be able to arrive on time due to unforeseen circumstances, we expect that parents will respect our operating hours by picking up on time each evening. Failure to pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. will result in a late pick up fee of $1.00 per minute. This should be a rare occurrence and repeatedly arriving late may result in a required withdrawal from the program. We will make every effort to contact you or an individual on your emergency contact list. In the event that your child is still at the program one hour after closing, we will notify Child Protective Services and the local law enforcement agency. 

How many children are in a class?

Each class maintains ratios that strictly adhere to ODJFS licensing rule requirements. Many of our classrooms utilize lower than required ratios to facilitate the learning process. The younger the child, the lower staff child ratio that will be applied. Each program posts the classroom ratios in a prominent location for parents to view. 

What should my child wear?

Children should wear practical clothing to participate in many activities daily. Children will get dirty playing outdoors and playing with art and sensory materials so should wear clothing that is comfortable and appropriate to classroom activities. Shoes must be rubber soled and attach firmly to the foot. We recommend dressing in layers so your child may adjust his clothing as he feels the need to be warmer or cooler. 


How can I enroll my child?

Families must contact the program to set up a tour and have an interview with the director about your childcare needs. You will receive an application packet, which you will complete and return with your registration fee to hold the next available spot. The director can give you an estimation of when a spot will be available. The spot may come available sooner at which time you will be informed and may decide to start earlier than predicted. Delays may occur based on other children's growth and developmental readiness to move to the next classroom or if you do not accept an earlier start date when it becomes available.

What does tuition include?

Tuition includes the schedule of attendance for which you sign up, meals and snacks, educational programming, field trips and most special events. It may not include some activities such as fundraisers or extra curriculars. It does not include the initial registration fee.

Do we get a discount when our child does not attend?

We charge tuition each and every week that your child is enrolled at the program, regardless of attendance. You are paying for the enrollment, not the actual attendance, Think of it like purchasing cable tv. You pay a specific amount to receive the service and how much you use it does not affect the price. The cable company does not provide you a refund because you were on vacation and not home to use the service they provide. We do, however, consider that most families will take two weeks' vacation throughout the year and consider that when we determine our tuition rate. 

How many children are in a class?

Each class maintains ratios that strictly adhere to ODJFS licensing rule requirements. Many of our classrooms utilize lower than required ratios to facilitate the learning process. The younger the child, the lower staff child ratio that will be applied. Each program posts the classroom ratios in a prominent location for parents to view. 

Are there any tuition discounts available?

We provide a 5% discount for families who have multiple children enrolled in our program. We also provide a staff discount and discounts as contractually obligated to ODIFS. It is our policy that only one discount may be applied to an account.

When is tuition due and what methods can I use to pay?

Tuition is due weekly at the beginning of the service week. We accept ACH, check, cash, credit card, and money orders. Delinquent tuition will be cause for dismissal from the program and will result in collection activity.

Can I withdraw my child for the summer, but keep their spot reserved for the school year?

This may be possible if the Center has space availability for the following fall. We cannot hold a spot empty for the summer, but will make every effort to accommodate our families' return at the beginning of the next school year. If your child's spot could be unavailable to you, we would notify you and you would have the option of returning early to maintain your child's spot.

Do you accept Title Twenty, vouchers or ODJFS assistance?

Yes, we accept families who receive assistance from multiple agencies, such as ODJFS, Child Care Aware, Children's Services Bureau, and others. Check with the center directly to verify that we accept your funding source and how it works. 


What is the policy for when a child is sick or injured?

In the event of a severe injury or medical emergency, we would call 911 prior to notifying the parent. For minor illness or injury, the parent must pick up within one hour. Children must be excluded from the Center according to the Communicable Disease Chart for Child Care that is published by ODJFS and based on CDC guidance. Generally, children must be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning after an illness. Children who have sustained injuries must provide us with inedical instructions regarding the return to childcare and care of the child. 

Who will be allowed to pick up my child?

Only people authorized by you will be allowed to pick up. Parent's will provide emergency contacts and authorized pick up information and teachers will confirm positive ID before releasing any child. 

I don't want my child to play outdoors because he/she isn't feeling great.

Can you accommodate my request? We cannot accommodate parent's requests to keep their child indoors. Being well enough to aitend childcare 

includes being well enough to participate in all activities, including outdoor play. Additionally, we do not have additional staff available to provide care for your child while his/her group goes outside.

How have the staff been vetted?

Staff are vetted through a five agency background check which includes the FBI, Bureau of Criminal Investigations for Ohio, and Children Services database prior to being placed in a position with Days of Discovery.

What security measures do you have in place to protect my child from intruders?

Our Center has a locking front door accessible to parents and approved visitors who have been given an individual code for entry. When a family leaves, their code is removed. We also have emergency and disaster plans that include contingencies for events involving external threats, such as an active shooter or threat in the neighborhood. 

What happens when the weather is bad?

We have a disaster plan in place for bad weather. We have weather radios to monitor any watches/warnings. We will take shelter when the need arises. In case of heavy snow, or ice, and we are put on a level 3 emergency, the center will close. The information can be found on WHIO channel 7.

Are caregivers trained in CPR and first aid?

Caregivers receive training in CPR, First Aid, Recognition and Prevention of Child Abuse and Communicable Disease Management per ODJFS guidelines. Staff also receive training in disaster procedures, child development, curriculum implementation, and other topics as needed. Staff are required to receive 30 clock hours of training each biennium.


My child is a picky eater, Can we bring our own food?

Days of Discovery policy prohibits children from bringing food into the Center, We provide meals and snacks that are nutritional and child friendly. Generally, there is usually something served that every child likes. This policy helps keep children safe from contact with allergens and eliminates problems that arise from a child wanting another child's food.

I prefer that my child drinks almond milk; do you accommodate food preferences?

We do not accommodate food preferences as a rule. If a child has a documented religious or medical reason they cannot be served a specific food, we will substitute another food item in the same category. For instance, if a child does not eat pork due to their religious affiliation, we would substitute beef, chicken, cheese or beans to replace the meat l'equirement for the meal. Doctor's instructions on our forms must be obtained to eliminate an entire category of food (such as cow's milk or all fruit). When dietary restrictions become too complex for the program to accommodate, parents may be asked to provide snacks and meals. We may accommodate vegetarian or vegan diets on a per child basis. 

Do the children nap each day?

Infants nap as needed. Toddler through Pre-K classes have nap time from 12-2 daily. Children are not made to nap, however, they are expected to stay on their cots quietly to allow the other students to nap. If a child does not fall asleep within a reasonable amount of time, he/she will be given something to do quietly on his cot. 

My child cries when I leave him.

How do you handle that? Many children have difficulty separating from their loved ones at drop off time-this is normal. We try to help the child by providing a routine at drop off time. The teacher may take your child from you and comfort him until he is ready to join his peers in activities. Some children like to be left alone for a time after arrival and we have an area in each classroom that allows for this. Whichever is best for your child, it is better if you make goodbye's quick and positive. We ask parents to never sneak away as this builds distrust in children.

Can we use cloth diapers?

 No. In a childcare environment, this is an unsanitary practice. Parents are required to provide disposable diapers and wipes. If parents wish to use Pull Ups, they must be Velcro sided so that your child does not need to be undressed to be changed in case of an accident.


What will my child be doing all day?

Your child will participate in many activities throughout the day. The day begins in our Preschool or Infant class and then children move to their classrooms as more teachers arrive. Breakfast is served, then children participate in large group, small group and individual instruction. We also have a morning outdoor play time, Lunch is served around 11:15 and is followed by nap. After nap, we serve an afternoon snack, and the children resume learning activities. Classrooms may be combined in the late afternoon to allow for teachers to leave, after which children will engage in play activities until parents arrive. 

Do you have activities to prepare my child for school?

Days of Discovery uses Creative Curriculum to facilitate learning for all age levels. Creative Curriculum has Objectives for Learning that align with the State of Ohio's Early Learning and Development Standards. Teachers plan activities to ineet the individual child's need for growth and development.

How do you handle children who don't get along with each other?

Developing social skills is very important 

for children to be successful in life. When children don't get along, we work with the children to develop strategies and skills that allow them to function in a classroom together. Skills we teach may include using language to express their wants and needs, listening skills so they may understand, problem solving skills, conflict resolution strategies and self-regulation. 

What holidays are celebrated at the center?

We celebrate holidays that are relative to the families enrolled at our program, Information is gathered during the enrollment process to let us know about family preferences and we strive to be respectful of all children and families in our program. Although we are not affiliated with any particular religion, in general, we celebrate Christmas and Easter, as well as Halloween, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving.

What if my family does not celebrate holidays?

Your child's teacher will work with you to ensure that your families' beliefs are respected and that your child does not feel left out of classroom activities.

Do teachers provide potty training support?

Teachers support families who are potty training. Parents and teachers should coordinate and communicate to provide consistency for children who are potty training. 

What supplies to I need to provide?

Infants are required to provide diapers and wipes in addition to bottles that are prepared, labeled with the child's name and dated. Parents wilo are supplying breast milk inust add the date the milk was expressed. All children must keep at least one change of extra clothing at the center, and we recommend two. A blanket that fits on the cot or in the cubby may be brought for naptime, and a very small pillow or sinall comfort items, such as a teddy bear, are also acceptable.

How do you handle behavioral problems?

We work on an individual basis with each family to address any concerns of inappropriate behavior exhibited by children in our program.


Do the teachers have degrees?

Some of our teachers have degrees. The minimum requirement to work at Days of Discovery is a high school diploma. We provide training to our teachers to help them provide high quality care for your child.

What training do the teachers receive?

All teachers receive an orientation training and must be CPR and first aid certified. In addition to management of communicable illness and child abuse and neglect recognition, staff also must participate in child development and curriculuin implementation courses throughout their career with Days of Discovery.

How have the staff been vetted?

Potential staff are interviewed by two individuals prior to working with Days of Discovery, references may be checked, and a five agency criminal background check is completed. Among the five agencies are the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Childrens Services. Additionally, new staff are carefully monitored for any concerns during the probationary period of employment.

Days of Discovery

1132 N Monroe Dr,

Xenia, OH 45385


Tel: (937) 372-3133


Nondiscrimination In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
1. Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
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2.      fax:
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